St Michael's CE High School seeks to educate all pupils including those with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), by recognising individual needs, talents, gifts, circumstances, difficulties and disabilities. The entitlement of SEND pupils to a fulfilling and meaningful education with equal opportunity to achievement and participation across a broad balanced curriculum, including the National Curriculum, is implicit.

The school recognises the importance of early identification and intervention in order to address the needs of SEND pupils, as identified in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice:0 to 25 Years (2014). Entry to external assessments and examinations, commensurate with ability, will be available to all SEND pupils.

A range of approaches to develop independent learning are used to ensure a measure of challenge and support for SEND pupils and these can include small group working, 1:1 or additional support in lessons.

It is acknowledged that all staff have responsibility for SEND pupils and parental involvement will be valued since the school believes that partnership with parents is central to the successful education of all SEND pupils.

Please click here for our current SEND policy.

Please click to download St Michael's SEND Information Report

For information on the LCC Local Offer for SEND provision please click here.

SEND Newsletter Spring 2024

Individual enquiries about SEND should be directed to SENCO:-

Alternatively, please visit the Drop in Clinic.


Drop-in Clinic

Every Tuesday from 15.30 to 17.00

No appointment necessary