Information for parents watching sporting fixtures
Parents/carers spectating – safeguarding
We would like to encourage parents and carers to watch and support their children at sporting fixtures. It is important that the following guidelines are followed:
Fixtures outside of the school day If the fixture is due to be played outside of school day, please do not arrive until after 15.40 (14.55 on a Friday), to allow time for pupils and school buses to leave.
Please access the school via the East Drive (first entrance on the right as you descend Astley Road) and park appropriately on the school yard.
Please go directly to the area of the fixture, there is no requirement to sign in at reception.
Please do not go anywhere other than the playing venue and do not access the school building.
All teams are supervised by members of staff, so should you need any help or information, please speak directly to the member of staff in charge.
Fixtures during the school day: We are unfortunately unable to accommodate spectators during the school day for safeguarding reasons.
Spectators code of conduct
We ask all spectators to:
- Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
- Act as positive role models to all participants.
- Remember children play sport primarily for their own enjoyment, not for that of spectators.
- Ensure that any verbal interaction must only be that of acknowledging good individual or team effort and performance from all players irrespective of the team in which they play.
- Respect match officials' decisions, even if they appear to make a mistake – remember, they are often volunteers providing an opportunity for players to play sport.
- Never verbally abuse players, coaches, match officials or fellow spectators.
- Photographs or images of any children, other than your own are not permitted.
- Never enter the field of play to challenge players’ or officials’ actions and never ‘take the law into your own hands’
- Anyone failing to follow our expectations will be asked to leave the school premises. This could result in the fixture being abandoned.
Thank you.