Consultation Evening for Year 11 is arranged for Thursday 19 October 2023 from 5.00 – 7.00pm.
Consultation Evening for Year 11 will be held in school and we encourage all parents/carers and pupils to attend.
Booking Appointments on SchoolCloud
This online appointment booking system allows you to choose your own appointment time with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. The appointment booking system is available from 7.00pm on Thursday 5 October and will close at 12.00pm on Wednesday 18 October. If you wish to make any changes after this date (or do not have internet access) please contact the school office.
Please note; should you have a particular problem that requires more time than this please contact our school reception and arrange to speak to your child’s tutor or Pupil Manager, Mrs McCaffrey, on a separate occasion.
Mrs Wilson, our SENDCO, will also be available (as outlined at the end of the letter).
Please visit https://saintmichaelsce.schoolcloud.co.uk to book your appointments.
You will not require a password to make the appointment, as the system will match your child’s details with the contact details held by school.
When booking appointments please don’t use the ‘Select All’ function.