On Friday 20th October, our Year 7 received a live interactive theatre presentation and workshop. As our young people start to use the roads independently, “Streetwise”, gives them the opportunity to explore risk, responsibility and consequences as a pedestrian. This enables them to make informed decisions, manage their personal safety and understand how their behaviour affects those around them.
‘Streetwise’ is a live theatre and multimedia style presentation designed to:
- Raise awareness of the dangers of distractions when using the road system as a pedestrian, especially when on ‘automatic pilot’ travelling a route they often take e.g. using mobile phones, mp3 players or messing around with friends.
- Identify risks that students may take around roads and their consequences, including crossing in front or behind the school bus.
- Create real life strategies to overcome peer pressure & peer influence around poor road safety.
- Encourage the use of school crossing patrols, zebra crossings, pedestrian light-controlled crossings, and asking for help when it’s needed.
- Increase students’ knowledge of how to remain safe when using the roads and the confidence to continue using this information.
- Leave a legacy of improved behaviours and attitudes to road safety especially on routes they take every day such as their route to school.