In science we want all of our pupils to thrive and use what they learn to grow in Body, Mind and Spirit.
Through engaging and challenging lessons pupils are able to be the best they can be, not only achieving the best they can but also becoming scientific thinkers, inquisitive of the world around them.
Science instils a sense of intrigue in pupils enabling them to question why things are the way that they are and develop a thirst for scientific knowledge.
Staff and pupils show a real passion and enthusiasm for science, making clear links to the importance of science in everyday life. Practical science is at the heart of our teaching, with pupils being able to apply what they have learned to find answers in the world around them.
Ultimately, we want for our pupils to leave St Michaels with a real appreciation for how science has shaped not only themselves but the world around them and how they can use what they have learned to shape the world for future generations so that they can live life in all its fullness.
Always question, always wonder.
Our Curriculum
All pupils will study science in Years 7 – 11. They will learn through units based on the different disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics which continually build on the knowledge gained throughout their journey.
Lower school
Staff have an understanding of, and keep up to date with, the Key Stage 2 Science Curriculum. This has enabled us to build a science curriculum which builds upon prior knowledge as well as extending and challenging the students to prepare them for future science at GCSE. The pupils follow the ‘Big Ideas’ of science focusing on key concepts and developing a deep knowledge and understanding.
The Big Ideas are outlined below.
Scientific Big Idea |
Phase 1 |
Phase 2 |
Forces |
Speed and Gravity
Contact Forces and Pressure |
Electromagnets |
Potential Difference, Resistance and Current |
Magnetism and Electromagnets |
Energy |
Energy Costs and Transfers
Work, Heating and Cooling |
Waves |
Sound and Light
Waves |
Matter |
Particle Model Separating Mixtures |
Elements and the Periodic Table |
Reactions |
Acids and Alkalis Metals and Non-metals |
Types of Reactions Chemical energy |
Earth |
Earth Structure and Universe
Earth Resources and Climate |
Organisms |
Movement and Cells
Breathing and Digestion |
Ecosystems |
Interdependence Plant Reproduction |
Respiration and Photosynthesis |
Genes |
Variation Human Reproduction |
Evolution and Inheritance |
During years 7 and 8 pupils receive four lessons of science per week and complete practical activities in 8 well equipped laboratories. In year 9 the number of lessons increases to 6 per week. Students are regularly assessed through key tasks and formal assessments. The program of study is designed to ensure pupils move seamlessly onto their GCSE studies, continuously building upon the 10 big ideas outlined and enabling a deep understanding of the world around them.
Towards the end of year 9 pupils will have the opportunity to choose to follow the ‘Separate Science’ (triple) course or the ‘Combined Science’ course.
Years 10 and 11
In years 10 and 11 the number of lesson increases to 7 lessons of science per week, covering all three science disciplines. This additional lesson allows pupils to revisit prior learning ensuring that learning is retrieved and re-encoded to aid in long term ‘deeper’ learning.
GCSE Science
Exam Board: AQA Trilogy
Pupils who follow the Combined Science course cover Biology, Chemistry and Physics in the traditional fashion and will complete two 1hr 15 minute exams in each discipline at the end of year 11 (6 in total). Pupil scores are then aggregated and then converted into two GCSE’s and contributes as two ‘Science’ grades within the EBACC measures. This will be along a 17 point grade scale, from 99,98 through to 21,11.
All science GCSEs have Higher and Foundation tier papers. Although there will be no controlled assessment, students will be assessed on their practical skills within their exams with at least 15% of the marks coming from questions relating to practical work. To prepare for this and develop your child’s scientific skills they will complete a minimum of 16 required practical throughout the program of study.
Combined Science double award provides excellent preparation for all post 16 courses including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Applied Science, PE and Geography.
Biology, Physics, Chemistry
Exam Board: AQA Trilogy
Pupils who follow the Triple Science course cover Biology, Chemistry and Physics as in combined science but with further additional content. To assess this additional content the terminal exams at the end of year 11 are all 30 minutes longer (1 hr 45 minutes) than those following the Combined Science Program of study. Pupils will then receive 3 separate grades (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) ranging from grades 9-1
This is a very demanding course because of the pace of the lessons and the additional content required. Students need to be resourceful and dedicated learners who demonstrate excellent independent study skills. Therefore pupils should only consider this course if they have a good attitude to learning and a passion for science.
Although there will be no controlled assessment students will be assessed on their practical skills within their exams with at least 15% of the marks coming from questions relating to practical. To prepare for this and develop your child’s scientific skills they will complete a minimum of 8 required practical in each of the three separate sciences.
Triple Science will stretch the most able students and may be appropriate (although not essential) for those students whose career choice necessitates a focused study of the sciences, or a progression to University to study Chemistry, Physics or Biology.
Science Learning Schemes
Science Learning Scheme Year 7
Science Learning Scheme Year 8
Science Learning Scheme Year 9
Science Learning Scheme Year 10 Trilogy
Science Learning Scheme Year 10 Triple
Science Learning Scheme Year 11
Science Learning Scheme Year 11 Triple
In science we are excited to be part of the learning journey that allows you to thrive and develop in body, mind and spirit. We therefore also offer an engaging enrichment programme which includes science club for years 7 and 8, participation in national science week, leadership roles as science mentors and science ambassadors, taking part in local science fairs, links with local primary schools, colleges and STEM based industries to name a few.
Wider reading in science
In the science department we encourage reading and have collated a list of suggested books to develop scientific knowledge and curiosity of the world around us.