Reflection 1 – Remembrance
Good morning; may the Lord be with you.
(Response) And also with you.
-What would be enough to make you be prepared to go to War? Are there any causes strong enough?
In John, chapter 10, verses 10-11 we read
‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life; and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep’.
Jesus reminds us that he came to offer us an amazing full life, by laying down his life for us. This week, as we remember those who lay their lives down for us…
- Spend 2 minutes thinking about what it means that other people are prepared to die for you.
- How does that affect you?
Prayer 1
Let us pray:
Ever-living God,
We remember those whom you have gathered from the storm of war into the peace of your presence; may that same peace calm our fears, bring justice to all peoples and establish harmony among all nations, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Reflection 2 – Remembrance
Good morning; may the Lord be with you.
(Response) And also with you.
Pictures and videos can help us remember things that are important to us, but so can things and symbols too.
-Which items help you remember and why?
In Luke, chapter 22, verses 19-20, we read,
‘And he (Jesus) took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.’
20 In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you’.
The Bread and the Wine help us remember Jesus dying on the cross to give us the possibility of life to the full here and eternal life with him too.
- Spend 2 minutes thinking about what it means that Jesus was prepared to die for you.
- How does that affect you?
Prayer 2
Let us pray:
Merciful God,
you gave your only Son to be both a sacrifice for sin and an example of godly life; help us gladly to receive all that he has done for us and follow in his footsteps. Amen.
Reflection 3 – Remembrance
Good morning; may the Lord be with you.
(Response) And also with you.
-What would you be prepared to do for your best friend?
-What about a close family member?
-What about a complete stranger?
In John 15, verses 12-13 Jesus says,
“My command is this: love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
- How can we help to make St Michael’s a more loving environment?
- Can we make a difference in Chorley too?
-Try it this week.
Prayer 3
Let us pray:
Father God,
We thank you, that you created all things in this world.
We are sorry for all the times we have dishonoured your creation or taken it for granted. Show us how to make this world the best it can be, and especially how we can show your love to those in need. Amen.