Reflection 1 - Compassion

Good morning; may the Lord be with you.

(Response) And also with you.

-When did you last ask for help? What was the response?

-How did you feel about that?

In Matthew, chapter 14, verse 14 we read,

“When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed those who were ill.”

-Spend a couple of minutes thinking about a time when someone has asked you for help.

-What was your response? Why?

Jesus gives us a great example of helping one another.

-How could we do that better?

Prayer 1

Let us pray:

Father God, Lord, thank you for all you do for us. Thank you for your provision for our lives. You have blessed us with so much, beyond what we could have even imagined.

Help us to never forget all you have done for us and never to take it for granted and give us the passion to do more for those that don't have what we have. Amen.

Reflection 2 - Compassion

Good morning; may the Lord be with you.

(Response) And also with you.

Spend a moment considering what causes you worry and stress?

-What impact does that have on your life?

In 2 Corinthians, chapter 1, verses 3-4 Paul writes, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

-How does this verse make you feel?

-How could you act on it? And what difference could it make?

Prayer 2

Let us pray:

Lord God,

Please open our eyes to see those around us that need our compassion. Help us to listen to them, to hear their needs. Thank you that you had so much compassion for the world that you sacrificed your son on a cross for us. Give us that kind of heart for the world that we will do all we can to be voices for the oppressed, givers to the poor, and encouragements for the struggling. Amen.

Reflection 3 - Compassion

Good morning; may the Lord be with you.

(Response) And also with you.

-What does it mean to be blessed?

-Do you feel blessed? Why / Why not?

We read in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 16, verse 17, “each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you.”

Whether it’s with material riches, our health or any number of other things, here in Chorley in 2025 we are quite blessed compared to many. This passage reminds us to give according to what we have.

Spend some time thinking how you can best give – could it be money / time / your skills?

-How are you going to do that this Lent?

Perhaps make a plan and carry it out over the next few weeks.

Prayer 3

Let us pray:

Father God,

Help us to be compassionate, aware of those in need.

Let us give to those who are not as privileged as we are. When we see someone in need, lay that person on our hearts. Enable us to be part of working to create a better world by providing for those that cannot care for themselves. Amen.